Instruction Fees and Test Fees

Fees are due at registration signing. 

ClassRequirementFee per Month
Little Dragons4-5 years age$65
Little Dragons6-9 years age$80
White / Yellow Stripe / Yellow11 years & older$110
Green Stripe / Green Belt / Blue Stripe 11 years & older$110
Blue Belt / Red Stripe / Red Belt / Black Stripe /
Black Belt
All Ages$130
($360 if not volunteering 2hr / mo. - see info sheet)
Adults (30 yrs+) 2x / week$80
Family Rate
3 Students or more2 highest levels - fees as above
Additional students:
W - G $30 / Blu - BB $40

Download Registration Form


Belt LevelTest Fee
Little Dragons: White to Orange Stripe$30
Little Dragons: Orange Stripe to Green Stripe$35
Little Dragons: Green Stripe to Blue Stripe$40
Little Dragons: Blue Stripe to Red Stripe$45
Little Dragons: Red Stripe to Yellow Stripe$50
White Belt to Yellow Stripe$50
Yellow Stripe to Yellow Belt$60
Yellow Belt to Green Stripe$70
Green Stripe to Green Belt$80
Green Belt to Blue Stripe$90
Blue Stripe to Blue Belt$100
Blue Belt to Red Stripe$115
Red Stripe to Red Belt$130
Red Belt to Black Stripe$150
Black Stripe/Black BeltSee Master Sommer